08.00 Check-in and coffee
08.30 Welcome!
What are the trends and what challenges do we meet? What new innovations are coming? Where do we go from here? Join some of Skånes leading foodtech experts as we learn more about the future of the Foodtech industry.
Margareta Wallenten, Innovation Skåne
About the Foodtech Innovation Network Project. What are the trends, and how to create the food system of the future.
Hannes van Lunteren, Krinova
Nina Meinander & Merete Eskilander, Probi
Recent developments, opportunities and challenges in the probiotic product.
Dr. Elin Östman, Double Good
Good Idea® – a functional sparkling water proven to reduce the blood sugar spike after a meal.
Panel discussion
- Dr. Elin Östman, Double Good
- Nina Meinander & Merete Eskilander, Probi
- Margareta Wallentén, Innovation Skåne
- Hannes van Lunteren, Krinova
Arwa Mustafa, PhD, Arwa Foodtech
Food entrepreneurship- Innovations from science to the market. ARWA will be launching their first product, Baobab based plant-based savory sauces in Autumn. Curious about the product? ARWA will bring some samples to the event.
10.00 - 10.25 COFFEE BREAK
Jakob Lindblad, Oatly
Collaborate to prosper, on the importance and the challenges of collaborations.
Fredrik Bågenholm, Sigma Lundinova
Speaking about a great machine for foodtech and cleantech application.
Vahid Sohrabpour, Saveggy
Environmentalists at heart committed to helping the world waste less. Their bio-based edible vegan coating extends the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eva Johnsson, Almi Företagspartner
About Almi's sustainability program.
Maya Malmqvist & Alina Gabrielsson, Pink Safety
Winners of the UF (Ung Företagsamhet) competition "Innovation of the Year" in Skåne 2022. PinkSafety will create a service for women's safety in society.
12.00 LUNCH
13.00 Welcome back!
The afternoon will discuss the IPCC report and the green transition that must take place. Experts within energy and companies with new energy innovations will be on stage. How human rights is vital for the sustainable world we wish to create and how we need to attract more talents to fill the shortage of skills to the companies.
Lars J Nilsson
Latest IPCC report and what it means for industry development.
Thea Ohlander Arfwidsson
About "Klimatneutrala Lund 2030".
Pernilla Ademar, Modity Energy Trading
Flexibility - tomorrow's commodity.
Vanja Samuelsson, Qoitech
Getting the most out of the batteries - what hardware, software and battery companies can do and why you should care!
Stefan Borg, SiB Solutions
Make logistics greener – one less error at a time. Offers Intelligent Video and AI Services that enable flawless logistics.
Anders Sjögren and Stephanie Alvarez, Enersize
A substantial opportunity for energy and carbon savings hidden in the global industry.
14.40 - 14.55 COFFEE BREAK
Anders Kompass
Collaborations, exchanges of knowledge and trade agreements are put to an end in a war like the one we see in Ukraine. Democracy and human rights as well. We know many of us are deeply affected.
How does all this affect the work at the Institute of Human Rights? And how can we as a society support?
Panel about Skåne skilled competencies shortage
- Camilla Bark, Invest in Skåne
- Ola Svedin, Mobile Heights
- Lotta Wessfeldt, Ideon Science Park
- Stefan Borg, SiB Solutions
- Erik Lindell, Region Skåne
- Pierre Bellin, FlatFrog
Dominika Szot, GRID Esports
Current situation of women in esports - compare regions. Main challenges to overcome, why 'women exclusive' is not a long-term solution, and suggested ways to approach and improve the female esports scene.
Award ceremony of the Ideon Stipendium 2022
The Ideon Stipendium is awarded to the Ideon company that has great growth potential, an innovation that is based on research, is not older than five years and shows good entrepreneurship. The Ideon Stipendium is 25,000 SEK.
Closing remarks